Is the Expression Time and Time Again

Time is a precious. Most of usa don't have enough of it and wish we had more. At that place are lots of English expressions using time. Here are twenty of them and what they mean. Cheque them out, there's no fourth dimension to lose:

on time

to be on time means non to be late. Yous arrive at the correct time.

'The trains always run on fourth dimension in my country. They are never tardily.'

time flies

This common idiom means that time passes quickly.

'Time flies when you are having fun.'

in the nick of time

This expression means that you arrive or cease something just before it is too late. At the last possible moment.

'My team scored in the nick of fourth dimension. The game was in the last few seconds.'

turn back the easily of time

To turn back the easily of time means to go back to the past.

'If I could turn back the hands of fourth dimension, I wouldn't have done what I did.'

save time

We save time when we do something the quick way.

'Nosotros will salve time if nosotros bulldoze instead of taking the motorbus.'

spare time

In natural English, spare fourth dimension has the same meaning as free time. The things we do when nosotros are not busy with work or written report, for case.

'In my spare time I similar to acquire English.'

equally time goes past

As time goes by ways every bit time passes or moves. The passing of fourth dimension.

'As time has gone by I have become less interested in going to nightclubs on the weekends.'

out of time

Out of time means that at that place is no more time left to exercise something. The time limit or deadline has been reached.

'Please cease writing. You are out of time. The examination has finished.'

brand time

To make time means to detect the fourth dimension to do something. We take to clear some time in our schedules to practice something.

'I know that y'all are decorated, but you will have to make time to attend the meeting.'

time for a change

Time for a change means to stop what you are doing and start doing something else with your life.

'After working in the same job for five years, I now feel like it is fourth dimension for a modify.'

time is money

The famous expression time is coin means that your time is a valuable commodity.

'I can't await here all day. Fourth dimension is money, you know?'

time heals all wounds

Time heals all wounds means that our feelings of hurt will leave united states time passes past. This expression usually refers to emotional hurts and non physical ones.

'I was sorry for a long fourth dimension afterwards I broke up with my fellow, simply time heals all wounds. I'thousand fine at present.'

only fourth dimension will tell

Only time will tell ways that we can non find out the truth or the reply yet. We will have to expect and so we volition find out in the future.

'Volition we always have peace in the earth? Only time volition tell.'

kill time

To kill time means to do something that is not very interesting or important to pass time. We usually apply to impale fourth dimension when we are waiting for something that will take identify later on.

'We've got four hours until our flight leaves. What are we going to do until then? How are nosotros going to kill time?'

time after fourth dimension

When something happens or is done time after time it means that information technology happens again and over again. The action repeats.

'Time afterwards time Tom was late for school. His instructor told him if he was belatedly again he would be in big trouble.'

fourth dimension off

Time off means to take a holiday from work.

'You lot are working besides much. You need to accept some fourth dimension off.'

a waste material of time

A waste of time refers to annihilation that is not a useful way to spend your fourth dimension. Doing something pointless or useless.

It's a waste of fourth dimension calling that company. They never answer the telephones.'

a hard time

To have a hard fourth dimension ways to exercise something that is hard or to suffer hardship.

'She's had a hard time recently; she lost her job so her mother died.'
'I had a hard fourth dimension trying to find this place. The directions you gave me were terrible!'

too much time on my hands

To take too much time on your hands ways that you have too much free time and not enough things to do.

'He watches so much TV because he has too much time on his hands.' He needs to get a job.'

a whale of a fourth dimension

To have a whale of a time means to take a great time. To do something really fun.

'I had a whale of a time at your party. Please invite me to your next one.

  • I spent 5 hours writing that report and and then my dominate told me that he didn't need it. What a ___!

  • I like to play the guitar? What do you exercise in your ___?

  • I got on the train a 2nd before it left. I was just ___.

  • Expect! I can't believe it. It'southward 5pm already. ___ when you are having fun!

  • I don't want to continue holiday to Spain over again this twelvemonth. I think it's ___ and to go somewhere different.

  • ___ he forgets my birthday. Every twelvemonth is the same. He never remembers.

  • ___ if the cost of oil volition fall in the time to come.

  • You lot are sad now, only you will be ok in a couple of weeks. Remember, ___.

  • I'm never belatedly for piece of work. I always arrive ___.

  • That nightclub is fantastic! I had ___


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