Can You Cook Beef and Pork in the Same Skillet?

In this brief guide we are going to answer the question "can you cook pork and beef together?" with an in-depth analysis of how both pork and beef can be cooked together? Moreover, we will also discuss how cooking time and temperature affect beef and pork along with the nutritional status of beef and pork.

Can you cook pork and beef together?

The answer is yes we can cook both pork and beef together. We can cook them easily within the same pan.

How are pork and beef different from each other?


Pork is quite commonly consumed in Europe. Pork typically contains high concentrations of saturated fatty acids that can cause different diseases. These saturated fatty acids when taken into a food can massively elevate the cholesterol levels in the body. This cholesterol, along with other triglycerides present in the body, start forming plaque or accumulate by the internal lining of arteries, veins, and capillaries.

The clogged blood vessels restrict the flow of blood through them. Reduced blood supply to different parts of the body causes organ damage and death. Particularly blocked blood vessels due to fat accumulation are a major cause of heart attacks, strokes, angina, or cardiac arrest. Continuous consumption of pork for a smaller duration of time can result in health issues.


On contrary, beef also contains a considerable amount of saturated fats. These amounts are a bit less than those present in pork. Beef is a rich source of Vitamin B12. Eating beef provides you with the optimum supply of B12, which has a greater bioavailability from beef.

Taking B12 from any other source does not provide appropriate levels. Regular intake of beef can also cause some health problems as that of pork. It is advised to consume beef only 1 to 2 times a week in a small quantity.

Cooking pork and beef together:

If you have equal cuts of both pork and beef, then you can cook them together. Lean cuts of both types of meat require almost equal time to cook. Tougher portions or tender slices of pork and beef require the same temperature but different cooking times. Pork sometimes requires more time to cook.

How cooking time and temperature affect meat?

All sort of meats is a superb source of animal protein. Animal protein taken from meats possesses high nutritional value and bioavailability as compared to other animal proteins. Apart from being highly nutritious, animal meats are hosts to several potential bacteria that can cause severe food-borne illnesses.

A major insight is given to the cooking temperatures and timing of meats to kill these bacteria or microorganisms. If meat is not cooked properly at the required temperature, it will not kill the microorganisms and will transfer them in an inactive state to the consumer. On receiving optimal surviving conditions in the host body, these bacteria become active and start growing causing diseases.

It is universally accepted and scientifically proven that pork meat contains potential pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, etc. These pathogens need a high temperature to get killed. Due to the presence of these and several other bacteria, pork requires to be cooked thoroughly.

Optimum cooking time and temperature of pork and beef:

  • Ground beef:  70oC – 72oC
  • Beef roast or steak: 64oC – 68oC
  • Veal: 65oC – 67oC
  • Lean pork: 65oC
  • Tender pork cuts: 65oC – 70oC

Is it okay to cook both pork and meat at the same temperature?

Yes, it is fine to cook both types of meat in the same pan at the same temperature.

Other FAQs about Pork which you may be interested in.

How to boil pork ribs before grilling?

Can you eat a potbelly pig?

Can you cook pork chops medium rare?

If pork and beef cooked together, will be fully cooked at the same temperature?

No, both pork and meats have different cooking temperatures and require different cooking times so it is accepted that at the same temperature and within the same period, both pork and meat cannot be cooked equally. Pork requires some extra cooking time than beef.

So cooking beef for a longer duration can make it either softer or tougher depending on the meat cut. In contrast, if pork is cooked at temperature and time optimum for beef, it can contain inactive bacteria and can cause cross-contamination.

Handling of beef and pork:

Beef and pork in uncooked conditions require safe handling as they transfer bacteria and pathogens to the other food items they come in contact with.

Raw meats also need separate utensils for placing. After using the meats, thoroughly wash the used utensils to prevent cross-contamination.

Can beef and pork both marinated together?

Yes, marinating both beef and pork together does not cause any harm in any case.


In this brief guide we have answered the question "can you cook pork and beef together?" with an in-depth analysis of how both pork and beef can be cooked together? Moreover, we also discussed how cooking time and temperature affect beef and pork along with the nutritional status of beef and pork.


Mahnoor Asghar is a Clinical Nutritionist with a bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is compassionate and dedicated to playing her part in the well-being of the masses. She wants to play a fruitful role in creating nutrition and health-related awareness among the general public. Additionally, she has a keen eye for detail and loves to create content related to food, nutrition, health, and wellness.


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